November 10, 2011

Assignments and Happy Things {v.4}

I'm apart of this very talented closed group of ladies on Facebook that have come together in the name of creativity and the love of photography. One of these ladies challenged us to take 10 pictures on the 10th of November to document our day. So, that's what I'm working on today. It won't be posted here until tomorrow though, so be on the lookout for that.


Happy Things!

Checking my bank account this morning to find that le husband got paid a day early. Score!

Owen's glowing report card.

Noticing how much Livi has come out of her shell in the past two months. It's becoming more apparent everyday. To say her attitude could use an adjustment would be an understatement, but nonetheless I'm happy she's becoming more social.

Phone chats with my Mom. 

Inexplicably losing the four pounds I gained in Louisiana. 

"Ma ma maaaaa ma ma maaaaaaa." - Remy

Puffy jacket weather.

The gift of being able to stay home and raise my babies. I've been reflecting a lot on this lately. Sometimes I feel the slight tug of materialism and start to to wonder if we'd be able to give our children more THINGS (as in stuff that isn't necessary) if I went back to work. But then I think of all the moments I'd miss and I feel incredibly torn. 


I hope you all take the time out today to recognize the happy things in your lives. Happy Thursday!

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