December 04, 2012


This is a pretty accurate depiction of my life these days. Dishes, dishes, and more dishes. And old faded jeans and messy top knots. Spending more time in kitchen and less time in front of a screen. Letting go of perfection and embracing the less than ideal. (Like my half-renovated kitchen. Oy.)

We're on day 2,437 of sickness. Not really, but what started with Rosie getting sick the day before Thanksgiving has cycled through Remy and Olivia. I'm holding my breath that no one else catches the plague, but with the amount of togetherness going on in this's inevitable.

Rosie has turned the corner from newborn to actual baby with personality.

We're working on giving Remy some of the independence he so craves. The baby gates are still up, but have been relocated as to give him more space to roam. Which means finding more messes in places where there normally aren't messes. 

He's also earning awards lately for photo bombing.

You might notice some wonky stuff going on with the blog over the next few days. I'm updating some pages and tweaking my layout a bit. 



  1. So cute! (I type, in an old shirt and holey pj bottoms - know that feeling, and I'm not even a mum! Hah!)

    Love your photographs, as ever :)

    Sam xx

  2. I love your photographs! I aspire to capture my family in such a beautiful and sincere way. So lovely!



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