October 03, 2012


I totally swore I was going to have Remy off the bottle by the time Rosie was born. She's two months old. Little guy still wants his "baaa" before bedtime.


I'm pretty sure I flashed the karate school parking lot today when Rosie grabbed a hold of my shirt and yanked it down.


There's an entire bag of fun-sized Butterfingers hidden in my freezer just waiting for me when the littles finally hit the sack.


My own 8 year old told me to turn the music down this morning when dropping him off at school. "Moms aren't supposed to have their music that loud!" It was the Beastie Boys. 


I tried on my size 2, pre-pregnancy jeans today. They fit. And then I tried to pick up a pacifier off the floor and they nearly split in two. 


I really hate when people ask if le husband and I are done having kids. Not that's it's anyone's business, but I'm Catholic and I've read Humanae Vitae. Draw your own conclusions.


I still nearly cry when I think about not being able to nurse Rosie anymore. (She took to breastfeeding like a champ, but we had to stop due to the meds I have to take to prevent ulcers. That and I lost my supply during my hospital stay.)


Four years after moving here, and I'm just now starting to feel like I have actual friends. 


My only real life goals are to be a good wife to my husband and to see my kids grow into adults. That's it. And I'm done feeling guilty about not having loftier goals.


I really don't feel like blogging as of late. I'll be back when the mood strikes.


  1. Love love love what you said about your goals! I always hear "you just want to be a stay at home mom?!" I am often made to feel by my parents who are professionals that it is just a lack of determination that keeps me home with the kids! I choose to be a mother and wife. I will not do it half assed.

  2. I think being a good wife and mother are pretty lofty goals. Other goals tend to pale in comparison. And they are excellent goals to model for your kids.

  3. Love this post. I love that I can relate to this post.

  4. You are one of my MOST favorite bloggers / writers. I laugh & i cry all in one single post.

    I also TOTALLY get not feeling the whole blog & posting & writing thing. My blog has been sitting cold since, well a year ago. Write as you can because in my rat race of a life, when i sit down on a Monday morning at 5am, not able to sleep with a HUGE cup of coffee & read this post & the post regarding your brother and his message.... I am IN HEAVEN, again, laughing & crying. Thats a good thing, btw. :)



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