October 27, 2011

27 and Golden Birthdays

I have a husband who loves, respects me, and does his damnedest to provide for our family.

I have three smart, clever, ridiculously attractive children.

I have a roof over my head and yummy homemade goodness in my belly every night.

I live in a little family friendly town where I get to experience the magic of four seasons.

I have clothes on my back and shoes on my feet.

I am healthy.

I have friends that go out of their way to make me smile.

I am grateful that my life looks nothing like what I pictured it would when I was 17.

I am 27 today. 

And it really is golden.


This is also my farewell until next week post. But don't worry! I have some fun stuff queued up, guest bloggers ready to share with y'all and maybe I'll even pop in and say hello.

Until then, remember to click on the Top Mommy Blogs button and make sure to show my guest bloggers some love. 



  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU DEAR MOTHER! Wishing you all the best on this wonderful day to spend with your amazing family that loves you very much!! xoxo kt www.MiniHipster.com

  2. Happy, happy, happy birthday! There is so much to be grateful for! Thank you for letting me guest post for you this week. Have a pleasant trip :)

  3. Happy birthday and have a wonderful year! And vacation! =)



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