September 13, 2011

Free Entertainment

I'm constantly fascinated by the objects that children can turn into playthings.

I emptied out an old Rubbermaid container this morning, forgetting to pick it up when I was finished and somehow managed to provide Liv and Remy with an hour of entertainment.

Liv says it was a special kid sofa for TV watching. Okay.

Then it was a train.

Choo! Choo! Remy is forever unamused.


  1. I am in love with her hair cut! haha. :) Looks like ya'll had a good morning! :)

  2. Kids just have more fun with simple things I kept asking myself why we buy them so many toys! Looks like they are having a great time.
    Visiting from FTLOB - have a nice day!

  3. Lovely photos and beautiful children. I love how they can amuse themselves for hours with a box!

  4. So sweet! You have to love their imagination :D



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