In between running around like a chicken with its head cut off today, I racked my brain as to what I could possibly use for today's challenge. Something new. Something new...something new?
My most recent purchase was groceries and I could have taken photos of those two cans of cream of chicken soup that I bought this morning to make chicken and dumplings. But I forgot.
I could have taken photos of the chicken and dumplings I made. It was a new recipe! And a successful one at that. And that's worth noting, because God knows I have the best of intentions when it comes to cooking, but good intentions don't magically make the girl an Iron Chef, ya know? But before I could get my camera out, it was demolished.
So, with today's earlier post about transparency in mind, I chose one from the archives.*
*Okay, so I sound silly saying archives when this was obviously last week, but whatever. I copped out again. Oops.
Day 7: Something New

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