I had typed this whole thing out and was ready to hit publish when I realized that it is Thursday. I'm so discombobulated this week. Oh well, a day early won't kill anything.
Flashback Friday Thursday: First grade edition
Flashback Friday Thursday: Graduation day edition
(Me, Travis, and Kemosabe. There was also a wee little Owen in my belly in this picture.
Different story, different day.)
Flashback Friday Thursday: My little brother is going to kill me editon
(Looney Toons and scrunchies and my brother's buckteeth oh my.)
Flashback Friday Thursday: Dancey Dance edition
Hope y'all are having a happy Friday Thursday!
I should probably go take a nap. Or look at a calendar. Either or.
Olivia looks like you :) And your face hasn't changed since you were little. You were beautiful then and you're beautiful now!